New Year's summaries

Posted by Cristoffs on 12/26/2023

As always at the end of the year comes the time for summaries and plans for the coming year. Since a great deal of my activities is related to OSM I would like to share my plans with you for the the coming year of 2024. Despite not managing to achieve everything I planned (this year, the previous year), there was still a lot going on. So let’s start with a summary of the events of the year 2023:

  • I managed to conduct workshops and lectures promoting OSM in several new places, including the Wroclaw University of Technology and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
  • As every year, I promoted OSM’s go at GisDay held at the University of Lodz.
  • I conducted several Mapathons, supporting UN Mappers projects.
  • I established cooperation with colleagues from Croatia actively supporting them in updating data, and testing the use of building data from city resources and Overture Maps.
  • For the first time I took part in SotM, and I intend to participate in such events periodically.
  • The OpenAedMap project has received support from CloudFerro, which has allowed us to expand the functionality of the site, and secure the platform for the future.
  • The project has gained support in the form of signing more patrons. The Center for E-Health, Warsaw University of Technology and the Medical University of Wroclaw have taken patronage of the project. I hope to expand the list of organizations supporting our initiative even further next year

Unfortunately, the list of plans that didn’t work out is much longer than I would like. This is what happens when there is not enough time or resources, and sometimes things just don’t go as intended.

  • I had intended to organize periodic workshops and mapathons, but unfortunately, it failed due to lack of time. I had to, also, turn down several proposals in more distant cities due to lack of budget.
  • It was not possible to obtain fundings for the development of the OpenAedMap Project.
  • I did not gain enough votes in the OSMF board elections, which means I will keep trying next year.

The list of plans for next year is definitely more ambitious. It includes not only the continuation of projects, but also new items. We will start with the must-have items:

  • The OSM Poland general meeting will be held in 2024, where, in addition to recapitulations, elections for the association’s board of directors will be held. I intend to run for the board to continue the development of the association.
  • I have submitted OSM Poland as the organizer of SotM Eu 2024 in hopes that we will be granted the right to organize this event.
  • As every year, I plan to take part in the organization of GisDay in 2024
  • Next year, there will be a good chance to organize Qgis Days and I hope to represent the OSM Poland community at this event.
  • Also next year I plan to participate in OSMF Board Elections
  • Obtaining funding for the OpenAedMap project to introduce new features.
  • As every year, he also plans to actively participate in organizing Mapathons, unfortunately limited to my hometown, or online events.

I hope that among the few people reading this post there will be, someone who support me in achieving these goals. If that’s the case, feel free to reach out to me.