uMap: fine-grained permissions and more

Posted by David Larlet on 9/27/2023

In the previous episode

We finally managed to tackle a very popular feature request: datalayers’ fine-grained permissions 🎉. This is a huge step forward, allowing for a given map owner to only open a particular datalayer to edition. It will help people with contributive maps who need to setup a stable/fixed base layer. It also paved the way for even more control over the objects that are allowed for addition and/or edition. Please share with us your desired workflows.

Two datalayers with different permissions

On the UX side of the project, we made a couple of adjustments and fixes to make the editor more intuitive and consistent. Do you see these new crispy icons on the screenshot above? Hopefully it will bring more users, hence more contributors! A couple of new faces jumped in recently and we’re so happy about that 🤗.

You can also look up for icons by name in the ‘Shape properties’ panel, one of our next steps will be to ease icons’ management and additions, another long-awaited feature:

An example of icons search

We receive a lot of feedback (and bug reports) from the OSM France forum too which definitely helps us to improve the product in terms of user experience and to prioritize the roadmap. If you are working for the French public sector, do not hesitate to reach out and share your experience.

Stay tuned for the next additions, a brand new API is coming! We’ll be at the NEC - Numérique En Communs event (Bordeaux, France), on October 19th and 20th. See you there for more news and announcements!