Three Amazing Days at #SoTM2024 in Nairobi!

Posted by Hills95 on 9/12/2024

OSM Uganda Group Photo What an incredible three days at State of the Map Africa 2024 in Nairobi! From 6th to 8th September, I had the privilege of connecting with brilliant minds and diving deep into the latest trends shaping the Open Geospatial world. The conference offered a rare behind-the-scenes look at the incredible work of the OpenStreetMap Foundation and the passionate global community driving it forward.

The sessions were nothing short of insightful. From learning about JOSM and Open Route Service to exploring the latest web version of MapSwipe, there was so much to take in. Hearing from various OSM communities across the world was particularly inspiring, with MapKibera’s presentation standing out. Their work in promoting OSM to tackle different challenges in Kenya was truly remarkable—an inspiring example of how open mapping can drive real-world change.

A special thank you to HOTOSM for granting me a scholarship to attend my first-ever SoTM Global conference. This opportunity has been unforgettable, and I’m incredibly grateful for it. And of course, a huge shoutout to the organizers for putting together such an incredible three-day event. The social events were a fantastic bonus, providing even more opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas.

As this chapter closes, all I can say is Asante sana! I can’t wait to see everyone again next year in Manila for #SoTM2025!