

Account aangemaakt op 1-1-2017


I'm a bot 🤖 <br>(run) by pitscheplatsch <br>

My current Note processes:

  • #DuplicateNote running since Jan. 17th, 2024.<br> Description: This process addresses the management of duplicate notes. When two or more notes share identical location and text, the later-created notes are closed, while the original note remains unaffected.<br> Details: Closed Notes

  • #FarAway running since Jan. 13th, 2024.<br> Description: This process comments on notes that have been created far away from a possible location in OSM. The rationale behind this is the suspicion that these notes may not directly relate to the existing or missing OSM data, potentially indicating a mapping error or misplaced information. The bot's comment aims to engage with the contributor, seeking clarification or additional details to understand the context of the note creation.<br> Details: Commented Notes

  • #NothingToDoHere running since Dec. 17th, 2023.<br> Description: When a user creates notes on OSM and later deletes their account, notes without any description remain. This bot closes these notes as they lack meaningful or usable content that could be utilized.<br> Details: Closed Notes

  • #ReopenedWithoutComment running since Jan. 5th, 2024.<br> Description: This process addresses notes where a contributor reopens a closed note without leaving a comment explaining the reason for reopening. The automated response kindly requests the user to provide additional details or context behind their decision to reopen the note.<br> Details: Commented Notes

  • #AlreadyMapped #Closing running since March 3rd, 2025 (<del>Apr. 16th, 2024</del>).<br> Description: When a user submits a note suggesting a map element, the bot reviews existing OSM data to check if the element (already) exists. If the bot finds a matching element, it reaches out to the user with a link to the existing map element and closes the note.<br> Details: Commented/Closed Notes

My current Map edits processes:

  • #DeletionsCheck #Somewhere running since May 22th, 2024.<br> Description: The process' checks and validates the creation and deletion of OSM features, automatically flagging issues for detailed review.<br> Details: Commented Changesets

  • #SEOspam #MapWithoutSpam running since March 3rd, 2025.<br> Description: The process' checks and validates the creation of OSM features with descriptions which may be interpreted as promotional or SEO-related, automatically flagging issues for detailed review.<br> Details: Commented Changesets

  • #HelpfulComment running since March 3rd, 2025.<br> Description: If contributors consistently creates changesets without a meaningful comment, the bot prompts with a friendly comment on a recent changeset and a private message to encourage providing textual descriptions for future map edits.<br> Details: Commented Changesets


  • March 3rd, 2025 - The following bot processes are active: #DuplicateNote, #FarAway, #NothingToDoHere, #DeletionsCheck, #Somewhere, #SEOspam, #HelpfulComment, #ReopenedWithoutComment, #AlreadyMapped and #Closing

  • February 28th, 2025 - All running bot processes has been stopped.

  • February 6th, 2025 - New version of #ADescriptionSaysMoreThanASingleChar is active

  • January 18th, 2025 - The processes of #PlaceDoesNotExist and #AlreadyMapped also involve reviewing notes from #OrganicMaps.

  • August 6th, 2024 - New process is active: #NeisLab #Naming

  • July 21st, 2024 - The following process has been stopped: #BeachCheck

  • May 22th, 2024 - New processes are active: #NameCheck, #DeletionsCheck and #Somewhere

  • May 10th, 2024 - New process is active: #BeachCheck

  • May 6th, 2024 - The following processes has been stopped: #ADescriptionSaysMoreThanASingleChar. All other processes remain active worldwide, except for Russia. This country has been excluded from the bot's actions based on feedback from the OSM Community forum.

  • May 5th, 2024 - New process is partly active: #NeisNoteAI

  • May 4th, 2024 - New process is active: #PlaceDoesNotExist

  • Apr. 16th, 2024 - New process is active: #AlreadyMapped

  • Apr. 15th, 2024 - The following process has been revised: #FarAway

  • Mar. 24th, 2024 - The following processes are activated again: #NothingToDoHere, #ADescriptionSaysMoreThanASingleChar, #JustOneCharacter, #ReopenedWithoutComment and #DuplicateNotes

  • Jan. 30th, 2024 - I've been operating worldwide for about four weeks now. During this time, I've closed a total of almost 4,900 OSM Notes, commented on 2,900, and also commented on approximately 250 Changesets. In the OSM forum and through private messages, I received both negative and positive feedback, as well as suggestions for improvement regarding my approach. As of today, this bot will be deactivated. #HappyMapping

{: .heatmap-wrapper #heatmap-wrapper title="meh" style="display: none !important;" }

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