OpenStreetMap NextGen Development Diary #4

Posted by NorthCrab on 4/8/2024

Welcome to my fourth OpenStreetMap NextGen development diary.
Sorry for being a day late! I wanted to finish up one of the new features which caused this small delay. ✨

🔖 You can read my other development diaries here:

🐙 My work is available publicly on this GitHub repository:

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Let’s summarize the last week’s work:

Client-side Trace Images

While migrating the traces functionality, I came up with an amazing and seemingly obvious idea. Why not make trace images SVGs and render them client-sided? This feature has few significant advantages: even faster trace uploading, no additional disk usage, unlimited customization, infinite resolution, faster page loading. And so here it is:

Comparison screenshot of the new client-side generated trace images (SVGs)

The application can freely adjust the quality of generated images. The code can also be reused for implementing proper trace-on-map rendering, which is one of the new upcoming features.

SVG supports animations too!

Animated trace using SVG

Refreshed Traces UI

Screenshot showcasing refreshed public traces UI

» Open in full screen

Last week I have also worked on refreshing the traces UI, focusing on making it more open and friendly. If you have been following my previous diaries, you may recognize some of the new style language.

Deployment Scripts

I also wrote and successfully tested server-deployment scripts for the application. They are currently a part of the openaedmap-backend project but will soon be copied over to the openstreetmap-ng. Both projects share many similarities in how they are run.

Final Words

Previous development diary #3 was packed with lots of new stuff. I took this week a little slower to catch a breath. Meantime, I contributed to other projects (openaedmap, starlette) and also helped OSM-PL with server migration process. I was also away for a short time for some BBQ🌞!

Project Sponsors 🏅

Thank you to this week’s project patrons! I truly appreciate your every contribution!

Currently, the project is sponsored by 11 people!
Five private and three public donors on Liberapay, and three public on GitHub Sponsors.

If you can, please consider supporting the NG development. Any amount helps me focus on making high-quality free software for everyone to enjoy! (shh… next week I will announce a new supporter benefit) 😋

Donate using Liberapay


This project is not affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.