Web map of colaborative mapping for the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Posted by Raquel Dezidério Souto on 2/12/2024


Information for the disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the Municipality of Maricá (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)


mapa em IVIDES

Web map at IVIDES

This web map is part of the development research that aims to provide a mapping platform for official and collaborative data, within the scope of disaster risk reduction (DRR), as this type of catastrophic events is increasing its frequency of ocurrence in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in the last years. The municipality of Maricá is the pilot area of ​​interest (AOI). The reader can also visit the dynamic map of this same area of ​​interest at uMap.

The mapping and development of the collaborative platform are coordinated by Dr. Raquel Dezidério Souto (IVIDES.org), in cooperation with a group of mappers of the YouthMappers UFRJ. To keep contact, please, send an email to ivides@ivides.org or answer this form.

The web map is being developed in WordPress and Leaflet Map and the initial list of layers is showed below. The web map has some background layers (WTMS) aplicable to this case (DRR mapping): OpenStreetMap, HOT-OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap), * OpenTopoMap* and Esri World Imagery.

Initial layers

Areas subject to inundation and flash floodingsFreitas & Freitas (2022) – in progress

Areas subject to mass movementsFreitas & Freitas (2022) – in progress

Churches and templesIBGE (2022 Demographic Census); OpenStreetMap – in progress

Classification of the coast in terms of vulnerability to coastal erosionLins-de-Barros (2005) – in progress

Clinics and health postsIBGE (2022 Demographic Census); Maricá Municipal Health Department (2024); OpenStreetMap – in progress

Geological alert and alarm stations (EAAG)Secretariat of Protection and Civil Defense of Maricá (2024) – COMPLETE (07 Feb. 2024)

HydrantsRio de Janeiro State Fire Department (2024) – in progress

Hydrological alert and alarm stations (EAAH)Secretariat of Protection and Civil Defense of Maricá (2024) – COMPLETE (07 Feb. 2024)

Hydrological monitoring stations - Secretariat of Protection and Civil Defense of Maricá (2024) - in progress

HospitalsIBGE (2022 Demographic Census); Maricá Municipal Health Department (2024); OpenStreetMap – in progress

Hotels and innsIBGE (2022 Demographic Census); OpenStreetMap – in progress

Meteorological monitoring stations - Secretariat of Protection and Civil Defense of Maricá (2024) - in progress

Schools (public and private)IBGE (2022 Demographic Census); Maricá Municipal Education Department (2024); OpenStreetMap – in progress

Villages; LocalitiesOpenStreetMap – in progress

SDG 2030

This research is related to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - 2030 Agenda:


[SDG 3]

SDG 11

[SDG 11]

SDG 13

[SDG 13]

SDG 17

[SDG 17]

Data source references

Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Rio de Janeiro

Freitas, Alessandra C. de; Freitas, Fabíola S. de. Prática educativa voltada à redução dos riscos e desastres hidrológicos da cidade de Maricá, RJ. In: SOUTO, R.D. (org.). Gestão ambiental e sustentabilidade em áreas costeiras e marinhas: conceitos e práticas. Vol. 2. Cap. 22. Rio de Janeiro: IVIDES.org, 2022. 768 p. Disponível em: https://ivides.org/livros.

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE.

Lins-de-Barros, Flavia Moraes. Risco e vulnerabilidade à erosão costeira no município de Maricá. Dissertação de Mestrado – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2005. Disponível em: http://objdig.ufrj.br/16/teses/648563.pdf.


Maricá Municipal Department of Education - RJ

Maricá Municipal Department of Civil Defense and Protection - RJ

Maricá Municipal Department of Health - RJ