Our participation in the Open Data Day YouthMappers at UFBA 2024

Posted by Raquel Dezidério Souto on 3/8/2024

An event to strengthen alliances between mappers from Brazil and Africa

Read in Portuguese

Between March 2nd and 5th, 2024, the event OPEN DATA DAY - Communities mapping communities: Brazil-Africa connection was held in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil), with the participation of Brazilians and Africans, who presented special keynotes and case studies on collaborative mapping, on the themes of sustainable development, gender equity, adequate housing, humanitarian mapping, disaster risk reduction and urban planning.

The YouthMappers at UFBA, producer of the event, also held mapathons, or mapping marathons, in the format of hybrid workshops, where participants mapped collaboratively on-line, using the editor iD for OpenStreetMap.

The YouthMappers UFRJ participated of the event, with the special keynote Collaborative mapping for disaster risk reduction - Case study: Municipality of Maricá (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), given by its president, Dr. Raquel Dezidério Souto (IVIDES.org).

WATCH the RECORED VIDEO (in Portuguese and English), clicking here.

READ The PDF PRESENTATION FILE (in Portuguese and English), available here.

KNOW about this case study of collaborative mapping here.


