I’ve added a new page to the switch2osm guide: “Manually building a tile server (Debian 12)”.
Mostly it’s minor changes only from Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 - new versions of software, that sort of thing. Where new manual steps have to be carried out, the guide describes them. Debian 12 itself does have some differences - “syslog” is no longer created by default, so debugging changes slightly.
I’ve also updated a couple of other pages such as the replication ones to reflect that Debian 12 is now a supported operating system.
Separately to that, I’ve moved map.atownsend.org.uk (which uses a related may style) from an Ubuntu 22.04 server to a Debian 12 one. There was nothing wrong with the old one, but the hosting provider I use was offering higher spec ARM servers for essentially the same price as the old AMD one I was using, so it made sense to move.
Operational differences that I’ve noticed (apart from it just being faster, because it’s on a higher specification server) is that early morning low-zoom rerendering takes longer because more tiles are marked as dirty - the reason for this seems to be bugfixes within the osm2pgsql processes that handle replication.