

Account aangemaakt op 6-3-2011


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I'm a mapper from Berlin (Germany) and - since "everything" is already mapped here - prefer to work on "urban precision mapping" (cycleways, detailed characteristics of ways and objects, trees, parking lanes, detailed landuse, street furniture... The Straßenraumkarte Neukölln is a highly detailed OSM-based map for my city district that shows what you can do with micro mapping in OSM).

I'm also using the data for various geospatial analyses around my district and try to make them available to (civil) society actors and initiatives. An example is the parking space analysis.

Between September 2022 and February 2023, together with two other OSM mappers, I worked on a project to extend and scale the parking analysis method, funded by the Prototype Fund. This is a project funding from the German Ministry of Research for the development of open source applications, managed by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany. Some of my edits and OSM activities were related to this funded project.

Since May 2023, I do some professional mapping on behalf of and under the account of the Berlin-based organisation FixMyCity - see it's wiki page and account's profile description for more details.

My profile name is "Supaplex030" (030 is the phone code of Berlin) - not to be confused with Supaplex, a Taiwanese namesake!