Productive day of mapping...

Posted by dónal on 8/6/2023

It’s a long weekend this weekend in Ireland so I found some time today to catch up on some OpenStreetMap tasks.

Primary objective: Send welcome messages to new contributors in Ireland.

Objective status: Completed. \o/

Other observations:

  • new contributors add lots of good information. some mistakes but we also did that at the start.
  • lots of buildings still to add in Ireland.
  • impressed by the amount of organisations trying to contribute updates. Saw new contributions from libraries, public transport organisations, business improvement organisations.
  • A new contributor with a username that may signify they work in the waste industry has been adding information for new estates. Love it!
  • Terracing tool rocks! Added a whole estate in Blarney, Co. Cork in about an hour using it today.
  • Map Roulette (see ) is cool.

Map of recent edits for dónal

Map of Ireland showing openstreetmap edits by dónal