An OpenStreetMap merch shop

Posted by jxpsert on 9/17/2023

Hi there! Today I’ve created a store via Etsy, where I’ll be selling OSM shirts, hoodies and perhaps other items. They’re priced at cost, and in doing so, follow OSM Trademark Policy.


The items are made and shipped by a third party, Gelato, and are produced on-demand in both North America as well as Europe, depending on the product. All products with OSM trademarks are the ‘fairest’ option provided by Gelato. You can find more about that on their website,


I wanted an OSM shirt, and there wasn’t one. So I made one. It’s the very same one available on the store right now. I had a meeting with the CWG about merchandise in June, but have since heard nothing from them. Hence, I went ahead and did it myself.

The store

The store contains other products as well, but the OSM products are neatly organised in a ‘OpenStreetMap’ category.