OpenStreetMap Statistics for your region (in English)

Posted by nyampire on 7/18/2024

Are you familiar with the OpenStreetMap Statistics created by Piebro? It’s a handy tool that analyzes OSM changeset files and creates graphs from various perspectives.


The project’s README also indicates that analysis can be performed for individual countries or regions. I analysed the Japanese region in my local environment, so I’ll summarize the procedure.


My Environment

  • MacOS
  • Python 3.9

Data Preparation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clone Piebro's git repository to your local machine: $ git clone $ cd openstreetmap-statistics Install osmium-tool using Homebrew: $ brew install osmium-tool Prepare the virtual environment: $ python3 -m venv .venv Install necessary dependencies: $ pip3 install -r requirement.txt

Obtaining the OSM Changeset File

Piebro’s README uses torrent. Using torrent should result in lower network load, so it’s preferable if possible.

1 2 $ rm $(ls *.osm.bz2) $ wget -N

Obtain the Poly File for the Target Region

Download the poly file for the target region from the Geofabrik site.

1 $ wget -N

Extracting the Changeset File

Use a poly file to extract the target region from the changeset-latest file. Please use the following script for extraction (written by Claude):

1 2 3 4 5 6 Install shapely 1.8.0. The latest version 2.0 and later seems incompatible with dependent software. $ pip3 install shapely==1.8.0 $ wget -N $ python3 [poly.filename] [input.filename] [output.filename] $ (sample) python3 japan.poly changesets-latest.osm.bz2 japan-chansegets.osm.bz2

As a result of the script processing, in this example, japan-changesets.osm.bz2 will be output.

Generating Files for the Notebook

The subsequent processing is similar to Piebro’s procedure. I omitted the pv command as it’s only used to monitor progress.

1 2 3 $ rm -r -d temp $ osmium cat --output-format opl output.osm.bz2 | python3 src/ temp $ python3 src/ temp

Updating the Notebook

Execute the following in the terminal. You can make it into a shell script and kick it, but it will also work if you paste it directly into the shell.

1 2 3 for notebook in $(find src/questions -name calculations.ipynb); do jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute "$notebook" --output calculations.ipynb done

Starting the Local Server

Start a local http server to check. You need to start an http server; otherwise, the graphs won’t display due to CORS issues.

1 python -m http.server 1010

Access to “http://localhost:1010” to show graphs.

Instead of starting an http server, you should also be able to push to your personal git repository and check from gh-pages.

However, with the steps so far, the remote is set to Piebro’s repository. Please modify it to upload to your own repository.