apresentação do projeto mapeaia Belém a comunidade Brasileira do Openstreetmap / presentation of the Mapeaia Belém project to the Brazilian Openstreetmap community

Posted by umbraosmbr on 3/14/2024

presentation of the Mapeaia Belém project to the Brazilian Openstreetmap community

we present the Mapeia Belém project to the Brazilian openstreetmap community, which is an initiative of UMBRAOSM União dos Mapeadores Brasileiros do Openstreetmap and partners such as Meninas da GEO, Capitulos Youthmappers and other groups and in addition to the Brazilian Openstreetmap community and aims to update data in city ​​of Belém for the Major Events that the city will host in 2024 and 2025 such as FOSS4G and COP 30.

Official launch of the project maps Belém in the Legal Amazon in 2023

MAPATHON activities we did in 2023 and 2024

activities on March 6, 2024, Open Data Day (ODD) 2024 - Belém - Pará Brazil.

the presentation of the Mapeaia Belém project can be seen at the link below; https://umbraosm.com.br/apresentacao_do_Projeto_Mapeia_Belem_na_amazonia_legal.pdf


project website


UMBRAOSM - União dos Mapeadores Brasileiros do Openstreetmap
