OsmAPP 1.5.0 released

Posted by zby-cz on 9/4/2024

URL: osmapp.org

For those who doesn’t know, OsmAPP is trying to be the one integrated app for everyday use which runs both on web and on mobile. It should be as easy to use as Google Maps, but fully opensource with privacy in mind. We have still some way to go, but it is getting much better recently.

Release 1.5.0 brought some great changes from wonderful contributors @Dlurak, @amenk, @loviuz and also from the core team @jvaclavik and me. See https://github.com/zbycz/osmapp/releases/tag/v1.5.0

In search of Opening Hours Editor

Opening hour widget was something I wanted to do for a long time. It always seemed as a big task, until I read a message from user @Mapspot on the OpenStreetMap Discord server: “A little 2x7 text box interface where you type the opening/closing time for each day would typically suffice”. What could be so hard about 2x7 boxes, right?

My first requirement was, that I cannot ruin existing advanced opening_hours. That meant, that I have to parse the value in my intermediate objects, then build the text again, and if it doesn’t match, lets tell user, that they should better use YoHours :-) This also brought some challenges, that Editor should be shown even when original text was Sa,Su ..., but after parsing it becomes Sa-Su ....

There were only a few expections like 24/7 which was quite easy to catch, and opening_hour without specified days, which is internally translated to Mo-Su ....

In the end, it took two days of work and it was so satisfying to see it working in the end. Some issues like Multiple images for feature or Wikimedia Upload, takes months to finish (or even almost a year in the second case), and this was ready in such a short time. Also worth mentioning is, that this was possible by @Dlurak’s work on the opening_hours renderer also featured in this release.

More details and screenshots in Pull Request

One image is worth a thousand words

In the beggining there was the osmcz-app where Marián Kyral from the Czech community added images from Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons. This same code lived in OsmAPP until this summer, when I decided to make a complete redesign, which is better compatible with Server-side-rendering (SSR), with the Open Climbing project, and which finally allowed showing multiple images from all available services.

It also had its challenges. Especially when I learned, that Wikipedia and Wikidata returns often the very same image, only one service escapes brackets to %28 and the second doesn’t. If more services resolves to the same URL, it is shown in the info tooltip along with their source tags.

In the end OsmAPP now shows images from the above mentioned services, adding Category pages from Wikimedia Commons, and panorama images from Mapillary (even with that panellum 360° viewer introduced by @Dlurak in 1.4.0).

The next step will be Upload to Wikimedia Commons, which is almost ready in #492.

More details and screenshots in Pull Request

Lets think about mobile users first

When OsmAPP started using the Feature panel on mobile was a little more difficult. It always covered the whole screen, and the little violet preview button wasn’t up to the job.

Some amazing work was done by @jvaclavik. He upgraded Material UI library to version 5, and then was able to put the whole Feature Panel in to swipable drawer on mobile only. In OsmAPP it means browser size < 700px. So the app is fully responsive.

More details and screenshots in Pull Request

Small fixes worth mentioning

In FeaturePanel there are few enhancements – social media handles like contact:facebook etc. are clickable (thanks to @Dlurak), all airports now feature a runways table (thanks to @Dlurak again), and public transport stops now displays their line numbers even on stops without public_transport=stop_area relations (thanks to @amenk).

Did you know, you can execute overpass queries in OsmAPP? Simply type a poi category (like Restaurant) or type a tag (like amenity=* or amenity=pub). Or type any advanced query which can be rendered on a map. Start with op: or overpass: prefix, then type your query. It executed on current map area. Technically your query is inserted inside this instead of QUERY placeholder: [out:json][timeout:25][bbox:...];(QUERY;);out geom qt;

Italian translations was updated by @loviuz. There is a plan to move all the translation files to Transifex project (help is welcomed) - see #415

Project Openclimbing.org (beta)

A platform for managing climbing topos by community with using cartography-first approach. Content creation operates under a free license, enabling contributions similar to Wikipedia. All data is saved in public databases of OpenStreetMap and Wikimedia Commons.

It allows marking geometric climbing routes on images based on extensible tag wikimedia_common:path.

Openclimbing.org is the same app as OsmAPP served on another domain – only difference is branding and default layers. OpenClimbing ambassador is @jvaclavik. See here Openclimbing.org 🧗