News 2023 - Week 29


The latest news about OpenStreetMap in a weekly format. Published every Sunday.

Several movies and films have featured maps based on OpenStreetMap data. []


  • Anne-Karoline Distel has been mapping sewer gas vents and wrote a blog post about it.
  • Kamil Monicz (NorthCrab) described a new tool for importing building data into OSM from Polish official sources with the verification performed by automatic pattern matching on orthorectified imagery. His analysis showed that the quality of edits is comparable with humans verifying official building data. He is also willing to run or help run such imports elsewhere, if similar sources are available.


  • Stéphane De Greef single-handedly captured all of Brussels in 360° street view imagery, covering 4,500 km by bike in two years. All of his 600,000 plus images are available on Mapillary. OpenStreetMap Belgium have published a post on their blog about Stéphane’s project.
  • Ed Freyfogle, in episode 190 of the Geomob Podcast, interviewed Roman Tsisyk, co-founder of Organic Maps.
  • Jiri Vlasak blogged on how he sees the respective roles of the core team and the community in the organisation and running of Missing Maps mapathons.


  • Katja Haferkorn, from the FOSSGIS Coordination Office, put out a call for volunteers to work on the 2024 FOSSGIS Conference programme committee. The first meeting of the committee will be held on Saturday 16 September.


  • Vincent de Château-Thierry announced that a video presentation of the Pifomètre v3 tool, an application for managing street, place and address data in France, has been released.

OSM research

  • HeiGIT researchers published an article in Nature Communications on the uneven distribution of OpenStreetMap data worldwide, which has implications for research and humanitarian use.


  • Kamil Monicz asked why the backlog of pull requests for iD appears to be so large. iD’s maintainer, Martin Raifer, explained that the review process takes much effort even for a simple change, and it is not possible to quickly review every suggestion, so he needs to prioritise them. These pending proposals are simply lower priority.


  • Roland Olbricht announced the release of Overpass version 0.7.61.

Did you know …

  • … that OpenStreetMap is great for creating maps that anyone can use? When film-makers, on the set of Hollywood blockbusters, need a map, they turn to us! There is a wiki page that lists where OSM has been used in movies. Know of any that are missing? Add them to the wiki page.
  • … have you ever heard of the ‘The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of the People’s Republic of Slowjamastan’? If not, have a look at The Guardian’s article, the OSM node, its wikipedia article, MicroWiki entry, or the official Slowjamastani website.

OSM in the media

  • Pierre Breteau explained how a French citizen can go on vacation ‘abroad’ without leaving France by visiting French cities that share names with more exotic foreign locales.

Other “geo” things

  • Geomob tooted that you can hear from Dario Raijman, co-founder of Textomap, about the challenges of turning words into maps in episode 191 of their podcast.
  • Flora Incognita explained how to export plant observations from their app to process them with Google Maps, QGIS, or R.

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, Nordpfeil, PierZen, TheSwavu, barefootstache, anonymus, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.