News 2023 - Week 31


The latest news about OpenStreetMap in a weekly format. Published every Sunday.

lead picture

Contraflow streets in the City of Sydney [] © Jake Coppinger | © MapTiler | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors



  • dónal reported on their recent mapping activities in Ireland.
  • The UN Mapper of the month is Nnadozie Uzoma Onyeukwu, a Nigerian geospatial intelligence analyst with expertise in GIS. He recently organised a mapathon at the Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI) in Münster to map the road network of Somalia.


  • OSM turned 19 years old on 9 August 2023. weeklyOSM offers its warmest congratulations.
  • The presentations from the SotM 2023 France, held in Marseille, are online .


  • [1] Jake Coppinger has proposed several cyclist-only contraflow lanes in the City of Sydney using the results of his analysis of OpenStreetMap data.
  • Stephanie May and Alan McConchie reported that Stamen’s basemap service is moving to Stadia Maps.
  • Michael Barry has created a vector map to display the datasets released by the Overture Maps Foundation.


  • The Mapscaping Podcast interviewed Ben Clark, from META, about their Rapid Editor, which facilitates the conflation of AI-generated data (buildings, roads, etc.) with
    OSM data. Collaboration with partners such as Mapillary and HOT are also discussed.
  • TrickyFoxy highlighted some non-obvious features in the StreetComplete editor: adding notes with photos and GPS tracks, cutting roads, adding shops, moving POIs, and using quest presets.


  • Christopher Beddow showed how he used ChatGPT to extract tags from the Overture places of interest dataset.
  • Simon Willison shared his experiences of exploring Overture’s places of interest dataset.
  • Andy Townsend demonstrated how to analyse changeset data using his updated version of ChangesetMD (we reported earlier). You can count changesets by a user, display details of changesets, filter for changesets within an area, find changesets that use different imagery sources, or find changesets with certain comments.
  • TrickyFoxy explained how to get fresh Sentinel-2 satellite imagery into your OSM editor.

Did you know …

  • … that the UN Maps Learning Hub, the UN’s OSM self-learning platform available in six languages, offers quizzes in its OSM Basics course to test your knowledge of OSM fundamentals, the iD and JOSM editors, topographic imagery and rendering, the OSM Tasking Manager and the mapping of certain features (places, residential areas, road networks and hydrography)? Give it a try and no worries, the correct answers are provided at the end if you don’t know.
  • … that the opening hours map can be used to visualise the opening hours of places on OpenStreetMap? You can also filter results to show only items with errors in their opening hours tagging.

OSM in the media

  • Andrii Holovin explained the differences between OpenStreetMap and Google Maps in a simple way in a detailed article. He notes that OpenStreetMap is based on volunteer work and open data, while Google Maps is a commercial product. Also, OpenStreetMap uses open data sources, while Google Maps uses proprietary sources, which affects the relevance and reliability of the information on the map.

Other “geo” things

  • Hans Hack, a Berlin based data visualiser, mapmaker, and artist answered the question ‘Traffic, housing or green space – what takes up how much space in Berlin?’

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, PierZen, SeverinGeo, TheSwavu, TrickyFoxy, barefootstache, conradoos, derFred.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.