News 2023 - Week 33


The latest news about OpenStreetMap in a weekly format. Published every Sunday.

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OSM River Basins [] © osm-river-basins, amanda | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • Riiga’s proposal to extend the opening_hours tag, to include workdays and any workday before a day of rest or a public holiday, can be commented on.


  • User 38446 described how they use OpenStreetMap for the organisation of orientation trainings using OOMapper.
  • Anne-Karoline Distel blogged about ‘mass paths’, either shortcuts or paths dating back to a time when Catholics in Ireland were forbidden to attend mass/school, and how she maps them in OpenStreetMap.
  • A request to introduce chat channels to the OSM Community forum has been declined by the forums governance team. Their rationale behind this decision is that simply enabling chat channels on the forums without a comprehensive global strategy in place would likely yield minimal results in addressing the specific issue that has been identified. As a result, they do not intend to pursue this initiative at this time. Instead, the team has encouraged all members to actively initiate a distinct conversation within the General talk section.
  • jidanni pondered why the labels on Brown Avenue, in Evanston, IL USA, flip back and forth, in contrast to its neighbouring fellow north-south streets. He discovered it is because it wavers sightly back and forth over true north.
  • Pierre Béland’s diary entry ‘Trend of OSM Objects Edited with focus on Organised editing’ presented compilations of statistics by country for 2022-Q2 to 2023-Q2, using data from Pascal Neis’s osmstats website, and analysed trends by continents. Monthly statistics (csv format) are available for this period from GitHub.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • The OpenStreetMap Foundation has published version 2 of their strategic plan. You can contribute your opinions, criticisms, and suggestions through the OSM Community forum.
  • The OpenStreetMap Foundation has a new donations page that explains how to make a donation to support the project, as well as how to join the Foundation. Please share this URL and help us encourage those who benefit from our map and its data to give time and money to support OSM.


  • The Organisational Committee of SotM announced that State of the Map 2024 will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 6 to 8 September 2024.


  • In his dissertation, at the RWTH Aachen, Philipp Schulz studied [PDF] the construction of 3D maps based on OSM data. His aim was to make the planning of wind farms easier. He focused on how to create 3D shapes for buildings, including roofs, and how to create curved roads and trees.
  • Trufi Association and Mobility Hub have launched a free course on how to map public transport in OSM, one of the most powerful things an OpenStreetMapper can do. The course is currently only available in Spanish; an English version will be available later this year.


  • Amanda McCann has made a map showing with coloured sets how all the waterways in OSM are topologically connected as watersheds. It is called ‘OSM River Basins‘.
  • Stamen explained what happened behind the scenes in their map style design process for Amazon Location Service.


  • Gabboxl has released gtfs-osm-import, an application to import GTFS data into OpenStreetMap.
  • Android Broadcast, a YouTube channel about Android development, interviewed Organic Maps developer Roman Tsysyk, in which he shared the peculiarities of Android development.

Did you know …

  • … that you can access a detailed list of recent donations to OpenStreetMap?

Other “geo” things

  • James Killick talked about his experience on the Apple Maps development team and explained some of the negative effects of crowdsourcing map data, as demonstrated by the quality of business listings on Google Maps (No mention of OSM).

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Mannivu, MatthiasMatthias, Michael Montani, PierZen, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, conradoos, derFred, isoipsa, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.